Created by God

Feb 5, 2025    Pastor Dale Jenkins, Pastor Kenny Albert

In this profound exploration of the Creation story, we delve into the foundational truths that shape our understanding of God and our place in the universe. The book of Genesis reveals not just how the world came to be, but why we exist and the nature of our relationship with our Creator. We learn that God, in His infinite wisdom and love, crafted us in His image - a unique privilege that sets us apart from all other creation. This divine imprint carries with it both dignity and responsibility, calling us to reflect God's character in our lives and steward His creation with care. As we ponder the intentionality behind God's creative process, we're invited to see ourselves through His eyes - as beloved children with inherent worth and purpose. This perspective challenges us to trust in God's goodness, even when we don't fully understand His ways, and to embrace our role in His grand narrative of redemption.